On Thursday we had our friend Leena Pawlyszyn visit for some puppy socialisation with her 2 puppies sired by Oscar (Frazer and Zoe)...they had a great time with their half brother and sister - George and Indi !!
With a little bit of sun out later on, this meant our 3 week old Oscar babies could also enjoy a little bit of time out to play ! We currently have just one puppy bitch available to a loving home in our 3 week old litter..
We had a great day at National Working and Pastoral Breeds Championship Show yesterday, with "Eli," Ch Carraigbern Noble Heart of Rodiveco (IKC) winning Best of Breed, then shortlisted in a very strong Working Group..
Our last litter of 2023 is here and are thriving ! Nice and chunky and mum is doing a fab job ! They are currently all spoken for, although things can change...we will then plan to have more puppies next year and in the mean time enjoy growing our new additions.
We have been waiting to do this combination for a while now and have been very pleased with the results...The puppies have been a real joy, with such laid back temperaments but completely full of fun..
The combination between Oscar and Frankie on the Histiocytic Sarcoma Index test is also very pleasing with the percentages 65% A and 35% B.. so it will be interesting for our own research purposes to watch how everything develops with this litter. We had a great day at Manchester Championship Show with our Rodiveco team under all rounder judge Joe Smith, where we won the DOUBLE ….
With our Swedish Princess “Ella-Rose” winning Best Bitch and her third and crowning CC…making her now Champion Tjofselinas UK Ella Rose For Meadowpark (imp Swe) subject to KC confirmation thanks to Lisa for handling her so beautifully, as always. “Eli,” Ch Carraigbern Noble Heart of Rodiveco (IKC) won Open Dog, his Sixth CC and went on to beat Ella for Best of Breed It was definitely a family affair, with their daughter “Frankie” aka Rodiveco Queen Of Hearts (on 2CC’s, 1 Res CC) winning another Limit Bitch Class. And also “Billy,” Rodiveco Porra Chinaco qualified for Crufts at his first ever show with rather minimal show training he was a at 7 months, took everything in his happy stride and excited to see how he matures. With 2023 just hours away, we would both like to take this opportunity to wish all of our family and friends, both near and far a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!
2022 has been a fantastic year for our small kennel - Winning 7 CC's, 2 RCC's and 5 BOB's on 3 different dogs and making up our 'Eli', Ch Carraigbern Noble Heart Of Rodiveco (IKC), into a Champion. Thank you to everyone that has played a part in this success and to the judges who have appreciated our dogs in the show ring. We have welcomed 2 fantastic litters into the world out of our Rodiveco girls and we are so looking forward to watching them develop. The future is certainly looking bright! The Vegas x Clem puppies from today's "Photo Shoot," when the subjects would actually stay stationary for long enough !!
Puppies in order of birth: Purple Girl, Blue Boy, Red Girl, Pink Girl, Orange Girl and Green Girl :) So pleased with the little monsters ...! What a great way to end the Show Year today at LKA …exactly 1 year ago at LKA Championship Show our Rodiveco team came back out after a long break from showing, where Eli (now Ch Carraigbern Noble Heart Of Rodiveco IKC) won Open Dog and his 1st Challenge Certificate...today at the same show, he won his Fifth CC, Best Of Breed and Shortlisted in the Group... His daughter, “Frankie Pants” Rodiveco Queen of Hearts, again her debut show last year where she won junior bitch, now on 2CC’s and 1 Res CC, today she won the limit bitch class….I was also a very proud breeder today watching Rodiveco Tatiana Arette to Liskarn win Minor Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy Bitch, with her sister Rodiveco Dulce Mijenta Avec Bernbienaime also winning 3rd in the same large Minor Puppy Bitch class - they both looked fab, well done guys!
Over the last year that we have been back showing, our small kennel has won 8CC’s, 5 BOB’s and 2 Res CC’s from 13 shows attended, with “Ella” - Tjofselinas UK Ella Rose For Meadowpark (Imp Swe) also now on 2 CC’s and 1 Res CC. Thanks to all the judges that have made this possible, the breeders that we have worked with and our friends that have supported us this year, it’s been truly appreciated!! The doggo's and me are really proud of our Gary who, in the December issue of the UK Kennel Club Journal, has been confirmed as the judge for Bernese Mountain Dogs at Richmond Dog Show Society Championship Show 2023!
This will be Gary's 2nd time awarding CC's to Bernese here in the UK. His first appointment was at 'The National Dog Show', Birmingham in 2021. He has since judged at FCI shows in both Denmark and Norway too! Gary's passion for the breed is so very evident every time he judges and it comes with a great deal of responsibility! We know you'll do another cracking job Dr Dybdall x A link to the KC journal is below; https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/media/5509/kennel-club-journal-december-2022.pdf Clem's babies had some lovely visitors today, but also had a cheeky photo shoot to keep a log of their progress...NB photos taken in order of birth - Top row: Purple Girl & Blue Boy, Middle: Red & Pink Girl, Bottom Row: Orange and Green Girl...When they would actually stay still long enough for a photo!